COGS Membership Application or Renewal

N.B. Don't forget to pay your subscription by the method you have chosen!

Enter COGS member(s) details in the form below. 

If a member at the same address requires separate emails please complete one form for each applicable email address.

When you send us your details they will be held in line with COGS Privacy Policy (opens in separate window).

Please indicate below how you anticipate paying for membership. Possible options are:

BACS  Lloyds Bank, account name: COGS Cycling Opportunities Group Salisbury,
Sort code 30 98 97, Account number 54715260.
In the “reference” field, please use your full name. 

CHEQ  Please make payable to “COGS” and write your name on the back if it’s not obvious from the account name. Address for payments by cheque is: 
          COGS Membership Secretary, Woodruff Cottage, Hale, Fordingbridge SP6 2NQ 

CASH  Please do not send cash in the post, hand it in person to either Rob Jacobs or Paula Downard

COGS membership costs £5 p.a. (£2 children/unwaged): additional contributions to COGS Cycling Development Fund are always very welcome
* indicates required
Email address you wish COGS to use
Preferred title (e.g. Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr etc) - optional
First name
Last name
Partner with same email, or child
1st line of address - required
2nd line of address
Phone number
Mobile phone number
COGS membership costs £5 per year (children/unwaged £2), additional donations are always very welcome
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